Sunday, August 30, 2009

Last Day as a Teenager and First Day of my Twenties

why hello there!!!

so yesterday was my last day as a teenager and it was pretty eventful!!! we went to jinja by way of these falls (of course i can't remember the name now). the waterfall was gorgeoous and many pictures were taken- hopefully to be posted later!! we went for a mini-hike around them and our guide, Christopher, pointed out all the different trees and bushes and their medicinal purposes or fun stories. There was this one type of grass that when you touched it, these little leaves all coiled into a ball and then after they would go back to normal. It was like the thing was shy or something. pretty sweet and the best part is that i got a video of it! :)

next we went on to jinja. we had lunch at a hotel overlooking the nile and then went to the Source of the Nile and had our homestay debriefing! I learned that my homestay parents have 6 children and 2 grandchildren! So I'm excited to meet them!! :) After, we walked to the river and sat on these rocks and just watched it flow by. It was definitely pretty strong where we were and there was a gorgeous breeze!! Pretty sweeet way to spend your last day as a teenager!!!

When we got back, we went to Java, which is this pretty americanized restaurant down the street from our hotel. i got a delicious grilled cheese with tomato and had an iced coffee!!! yummmmy!!! we also ate brownie sundaes which were to die for!!!!

Our whole group met on the roof of our hotel to hang out for the night. They got ice cream and a little candle for me to blow out and everyone sang happy birthday!! It was really very special!! <3 Next we all sat in a circle and had a little 'show and tell' with our picture albums. It was really cool to hear everyone else's stories and see their pics!! Pretty awesome last day if I do say so myself!!

Today...meeting the homestay family and going home with them! Tomorrow...first day of class!!!


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