Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Thunderstorm that Shook My Boots!!!

Hello All,
                Another post for today and this one comes with a warning:  If you do not like thunderstorms, don’t come to Uganda during the rainy season!!!!  We had a thunderstorm on Monday night and boy oh boy was it HORRIBLE!!!!  At first, I woke up and thought someone was bombing the city.  No joke.  There really are no words to describe how huge and loud the thunder was, but it was the worst I’ve ever experienced by far!  It set off car alarms!  SO HUGE! 
                Okay, so there’s my warning for the day!  And if you do come (which you really should either way), bring a good sleeping pill for the days that it’s going to storm or someone to sleep next to!  J

1 comment:

  1. yea- you're mom doesn't like thunderstorms either!! Love, your mom
