Friday, November 13, 2009

Being Away from Home...


   On Monday night, my great-aunt Monica passed away.  She had 95 wonderful years under her belt, the last two and half she spent living in our in-law apartment!  It was very peaceful and she was surrounded by her brother, sisters, nieces and nephew.  From what I’ve heard, it couldn’t have been more peaceful and that’s what matters!
            Being away from home for such an event is something I never really pictured…but it happened and as I can’t go home, I’m making it work!  Hey, isn’t that what this whole thing is about: learning about life, its struggles and how to keep on chuggin’!?!  So on Sunday I found out she was sick and had gone to the hospital and while Mom and Dad kept me updated, it was difficult juggling time differences, internet access, and phone bills.  That combo really hit me on Tuesday morning, when I was leaving to head out for a day full of interviews and travel.  I had a half hour and phone credit, so I decided to call Mom and Dad.  Unfortunately, I made that phone call standing on a sidewalk in Wandegya, one of the busiest intersections in Kampala.  So I was just standing there and talking to Dad as he explained everything that had happened and thank goodness I had sunglasses with me, because I was crying.  Now Ugandans don’t appreciate public displays of emotion the same way we do.  When we first got here, our academic directors warned us that if you cried, people just wouldn’t understand and it’s something you just don’t do around other people.  So needless to say, I was a fish out of water! 
            The funeral is this weekend and since I can’t be there, I knew I had to get out of Kampala.  So off I went back to Gulu to visit with my Gulu Gurls and just hang out.  Ashley and I are also going to head to Murchison Falls tomorrow!  The other girls went last weekend and they saw SOOO much wildlife!!  I figured that my way to send one last shout-out to Monica will be through hippos, elephants, and giraffes and that's pretty sweet!!
           So I hope you all have a wonderful day!!!  Enjoy it!  

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